General Questions

The Museum of Anthropology FREE to all ages and open Tuesday through Friday, 10am - 4pm and Saturday - Sunday, 12pm - 4pm. We are CLOSED on Monday.

The Museum’s off-display collections and American Archaeology Division collections are located in storage at the Museum Support Center which is available by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Appointments must be made at least 2 weeks in advance. Email our MSC curator for scheduling:

No. We are a completely separate museum, though for the past several years we have been delighted to be in the same building as MAA. They are located directly across the hall from us in our new Ellis Library location.

Yes. We encourage Museum visitors to take photos and share their experiences with others -- no flashes may be used and images may only be for private use. Photographs cannot be published, sold, reproduced, transferred, distributed or otherwise commercially exploited in any way. Videotaping with small, personal recording devices is also allowed for non-commercial use. See our filming request policies for professional filming.

To protect our visitors and the objects in our museum, the Museum of Anthropology prohibits the use of tripods, monopods, or selfie sticks in all our museum spaces.

Phones and tablets are both allowed in the museum, however, to respect all visitors, we ask ringers to be silenced and phone calls to be made and taken outside the museum.

Yes. We encourage people to do work in the galleries, but only dry materials (pencils) may be used.

There is a cafe located on the ground floor of Ellis Library that you can get to by exiting the museum through the library entrance and turning left towards the elevators. The hallway to the cafe winds around a few corners before reaching the coffee and treats at the other end. 

No. To protect the objects on display, chewing gum, food, and drinks are not permitted in any of the galleries. You may leave them in the lockers provided by the family restroom.

Access to the Museum of Anthropology library is through appointment only. Books are available for reading and researching on site only and are not available for check out. All books in the library can be found through the MU Libraries search engine. The library is housed at the Museum Support Center.

Yes. The Museum of Anthropology’s gift shop is part of the Museum Store, located next to the Lowry Mall entrance and across from the main office. 


We accept both monetary and material/object donations.

Private giving is essential to the Museum of Anthropology's ability to succeed and provide for the future and we want to thank alumni and friends for the roles they play in furthering our mission to broaden the understanding of human behavior, past and present, through research, interpretation, and preservation of ethnographic and archaeological materials.

Cash or check donations may be made in person in the museum office (Mizzou North, Room 2002) or placed in the donation box inside the museum (Mizzou North, 2nd Floor East Wing).  To donate remotely, or via credit or debit card, you may click here: Give Now . Please be sure to note that the donation is for the Museum of Anthropology in the Gift Instructions box.

Planned giving via large gifts, endowments, or bequests may be arranged through the University of Missouri's Office of Advancement. If a donor wishes to remain anonymous, we will honor that request to the extent allowed by law. MU's Donor Bill of Rights outlines our commitment to confidentiality and the importance of the trust our donors place in us. By publicly recognizing donors, we believe we will motivate others to join their peers in supporting the Museum of Anthropology. For additional questions concerning planned giving, contact Donor Relations.

Object donations must be evaluated for their relevance to our collection on a case-by-case basis. If you are interested in donating an object to the museum collections, please visit our Acquisition Guidelines for the Donation of Objects page.

Additional questions and further inquires about making a donation, may be sent to our email:

You should clarify your own personal tax opportunities with the IRS and obtain appraisal information by contacting a licensed appraiser.


Museum employees are prohibited from authenticating and/or appraising the value of artifacts and specimens. The museum does not recommend specific appraisers or keep a list of appraisers. Appraisals can be obtained from private dealers and auction houses. Appraisers can often be found through the American Society of Appraisers. 

Obtaining Museum Images and Filming

All usage requests for Museum images should be e-mailed to the general email: For permission to professionally photograph or film objects in the Museum or Museum's collections, please contact the Collections Manager. To use or duplicate existing photographs of the Museum's objects or to obtain reproductions of photographs in the photo archives, please email: Permission is generally given for educational use, provided full credit is given to the Museum. Please be aware that some images may not be available for use.


The Museum of Anthropology does not provide conservation services.

Repatriation and Management of Culturally Sensitive Materials

It is the Museum of Anthropology’s policy to comply with Public Law 101-601, the "Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act 0f 1991." Museum staff will not intentionally collect Native American human remains or objects specified under the Act unless written permission has been granted by the appropriate Native American entity. Any potential submission of a collection containing possible NAGPRA materials (human remains, associated funerary objects, unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony) must be the subject of consultation with the appropriate Native American entity before the collection can be accepted. Written evidence of this consultation, including copies of all correspondence, along with the names of the cultural consultants, tribal leaders, and observers involved, must be submitted with the collection.