The Anthropology Library is a reference library that is part of the Museum of Anthropology’s collections. This library consists of over 2,000 books, journals, and articles on topics in anthropology. Subjects include Native American traditions, technology, and material culture; articles on African culture and technology; archaeology in South America; as well as a focus on books and articles about Missouri archaeology. The library also has comprehensive collections of journals such as The Missouri Archaeologist and the National Museum of Man Mercury Series (National Museums of Canada).
Special collections within the library include the Nancy Morejón Cuban Library. Nancy Morejón (Havana 1944) is the most celebrated and widely translated author of post-revolutionary Cuba. She is the leading writer of Havana's Black Renaissance, the first generation of Afro-Cuban artists who came of age with the 1959 Revolution. A prolific writer who has published over 35 collections of poetry and eight books of essays, she continues to work, based in her native Cuba. Member of Cuba's National Academy of Letters, Morejón has received multiple awards, among them Cuba's National Prize for Literature (2001), the Struga Poetry "Golden Wreath Award" (2006), and an Honoris Causa Doctorate degree at Cergy-Pontoise Paris University. Morejón's work addresses contemporary issues of ethnicity, gender, history, politics, and Afro-Cuban identity. Her poems stand as vibrant reflections on the transculturation of Spanish and African cultures in Cuba, on what it means to be a child of both traditions, and on how the threads of this heritage are part of the greater web of the African Diaspora in the Americas.
The library collections are available for read-only at Mizzou North, 115 W. Business Loop 70 W and are open to faculty, staff, students, and the public on weekdays by appointment only.
To schedule an appointment or assistance with searching the library database, please email: anthromuseum@missouri.edu.

The Museum Archives provides a central repository for records and other documentation associated with Museum collections. Included in the Museum Archives are the papers of the Cordle Collection, documenting work in British Malaysia and among Native American groups of Alaska and Arizona; records of the Deevey Thailand collection; documentation, slides, and film of the Sutton African collection; travelogs and biographical information associated with the Frances Pearle Mitchell collection; photocopies of colonial documents from Hispanic archives in Central America and Spain; the papers and records of the Grayson Archery Collection; casting records for the Eichenberger collection; and original manuscripts of Museum publications.
Archives of the American Archaeology Division (AAD) include field notes, reports, photographs and other documentation from archaeological projects conducted in Missouri. Major document sets include those generated from archaeological work conducted at Harry S. Truman Reservoir, Clarence Cannon Reservoir (Mark Twain Lake), Meramec Park Reservoir, and Fort Leonard Wood.
The AAD archives also include the archaeological records and professional papers of the late Carl H. Chapman and the late Robert T. Bray. Chapman was responsible for the development of archaeology in Missouri and was instrumental in passage of federal laws supporting archaeological research. Chapman's records comprise the largest, most diverse, and arguably most important archive on Missouri archaeology for the 50-year period 1935-1985. The collection contains some 60 linear feet of document files, thousands of photographs, negatives, and slides, dozens of 16-mm films, and numerous maps and other documentary material related to his professional activities. Bray was director for 22 years of MU's Lyman Research Center and Hamilton Field School adjacent to Van Meter State Park in Saline County, the site of the Missouri Indian village known as the Utz site. The Bray collection includes documents relating to work at the Utz site, Pomme de Terre and Table Rock reservoirs, and numerous other significant prehistoric and historical period sites.
Museum of Anthropology Archive Finding Aids
Summary Information
Records Title: Browne Papers
Dates: ca. 1950-1990
Volume: 1 box (1/6 cubic ft; 0.21 linear ft)
Location: Museum of Anthropology Archives
Historical/Biographical Information
William E. (Bill) and Florence T. (Pat) Browne were both native New Yorkers who became active, accomplished archers. Mr. Browne was a lawyer and later a civil engineer and Mrs. Browne worked for the Red Cross for several decades. They lived in Manhattan and later transferred to Pittsburgh when Mr. Browne was an engineer for U.S. Steel.
The Brownes took up archery as a recreational sport while still in New York and were involved in archery organizations and tournaments. Mr. Browne became an avid collector of archer's thumb rings and archery-related ivory carvings. After Mr. Browne's death, portions of his collection were acquired by Charles E. Grayson and incorporated into the Grayson Archery Collection. Mrs. Browne donated the remaining thumb rings (over 200) to the Museum of Anthropology in 1990. The Brownes' collection of ivory carvings was inherited by Mrs. Browne's friend Eva Bowser and donated by her to the Museum in 1999.
Scope and Content
The papers consist of manuscripts, articles, photographs, and drawings generated or accumulated by Bill Browne in relation to his research and collection of archer's thumb rings. Also included are ledgers documenting the Brownes' thumb ring and ivory carving collections.
Container List
Box 1
FF1 "Thumb Rings," by Bill Browne (manuscript)
FF2 "Thumb Rings," by Bill Browne (copy)
FF3 Thumb Rings - Manuscript Pages and Letters
FF4 Thumb Ring Cases - Manuscript Pages and Letters
FF5 "On Chinese Archers' Thumbrings," by Willard E. Bishop
FF6 Thumb Ring Rubbings
FF7 Thumb Ring Photos and Articles
FF8 Thumb Ring Ledger (photocopy)
FF9 Ivory Carvings Ledger (photocopy)
FF10 Miscellaneous Ledger (photocopy)
Summary Information
Records Title: Cordle Papers
Dates: ca. 1930-1960
Volume: 6 Boxes (2 cubic ft; 2.5 linear ft)
Location: Museum of Anthropology Archives
Historical/Biographical Information
Wendell H. Cordle and Hallie Jones Cordle were both born near Green City, Missouri, in the late 1890s. After marrying in 1916, they attended State Teachers College in Kirksville, Missouri. From about 1921 to 1931, the Cordles taught at schools in the Philippines and British Malaysia. The remainder of their careers was spent teaching at Government-run schools in Alaska and Arizona as part of the Department of the Interior. Wendell also served as principal in several of the schools. At various times, each pursued advanced degrees at the University of Missouri, Wendell in educational administration and Hallie in anthropology. Over the years, the Cordles donated a collection of almost 200 ethnographic items from Alaska, the Philippines, and Malaysia to the Museum of Anthropology.
Scope and Content
The papers consist of the Cordles' correspondence with family members and government administrators, much of which includes detailed accounts of their interactions with the native communities in which they taught; documents related to school curricula and community projects; ethnographic interviews conducted with Native Alaskans; academic course materials; photographs and biographical information. Also included are a number of stories and articles written by Hallie, primarily dealing with life in Alaska, one of which was published in the Kansas City Star in 1941.
Container List
Box 1 General
FF1 Biographical Information
FF2 Information Regarding Museum of Anthropology Donations
FF3 Photographs
FF4 Miscellaneous Notes
FF5 Miscellaneous Publications, Articles, etc.
Box 2 Hallie J. Cordle
FF1 MU Coursework
FF2 MU Coursework
FF3 MU Coursework - Feature Writing
FF4 Notes on Women's History
FF5 Correspondence with Publishers re Articles, 1940-41
FF6 Stories and Articles
FF7 Kansas City Star Article, 1941
Box 3 British Malaysia
FF1 Correspondence, 1927
FF2 Correspondence, 1928
FF3 Correspondence, 1928
FF4 Correspondence, 1929-30
FF5 Correspondence, 1929
FF6 Correspondence, 1930
FF7 Correspondence, n.d.
FF8 Miscellaneous
FF9 Miscellaneous
Box 4 Alaska
FF1 Hoonah, 1933, 1936-40
FF2 Kotzebue, 1933-36
FF3 Metlakatla, 1941-49
FF4 Metlakatla, 1941-49
FF5 School Curricula/Standards
FF6 Miscellaneous
Box 5 Alaska
FF1 Arctic/Alaska/Native Alaskan Notes
FF2 Notes on Eskimo Culture
FF3 Eskimo Stories
FF4 Alaska/Native Alaskan-related Publications and Articles
FF5 Interviews - Outline/Questions
FF6 Interviews - Questionnaires on Eskimo Homes & Home Life
FF7 Interviews - Eskimo Women - Miscellaneous
FF8 Interviews - Norma
FF9 Interviews - Birch, Mildred Keaton, Ina Carlson, Sara Purkeypile
FF10 Interviews - Maggie Adams
FF11 Interviews - Daisy Brown
FF12 Interviews - Mrs. Doums
FF13 Interviews - Minnie Ferguson
FF14 Interviews - Beulah Gregg
FF15 Interviews - Gregg
FF16 Interviews - Harrison
FF17 Interviews - Gertrude Ituk
FF18 Interviews - Blind Johnnie
FF19 Interviews - Mary Johnson
FF20 Interviews - I. Kerns
FF21 Interviews - Lela Kiana
FF22 Interviews - Alice Lincoln
FF23 Interviews - Susie Lockhart
FF24 Interviews - Mackindie
FF25 Interviews - Boris Magis, Trader
FF26 Interviews - Effie Richards
FF27 Interviews - Norma Robinson
FF28 Interviews - Lena S.
FF29 Interviews - Carrie Samms
FF30 Interviews - Mrs. Savilina
FF31 Interviews - Frank Stoker, Trader
FF32 Interviews - Martha Thomas
FF33 Interviews - Toosask
FF34 Interviews - Mrs. Vernon, Trader
FF35 Interviews - Esther Vestal
FF36 Interviews - Fannie William
FF37 Interviews - Varnell
FF38 Interviews - George Waggoner, U.S. Deputy Marshal
FF39 Interviews - Henry Xavier, U.S. Deputy Marshal
FF40 Interviews - Religion
Box 6 Arizona
FF1 Correspondence
FF2 Indian Service Summer School, Stewart, Nevada, 1949
FF3 Hopi Information and Materials
FF4 Native American Affairs and Information
FF5 Miscellaneous
FF6 Museum of Northern Arizona Publications
Summary Information
Records Title: Eichenberger Cast Collection Records
Dates: 1965-1981
Volume: 1 Box (1 cubic ft; 1.25 linear ft)
Location: Museum of Anthropology Archives
Historical/Biographical Information
J. Allen Eichenberger (1905-1988) was a banker from Saverton, Missouri, and a long-time member of the Missouri Archaeological Society. Eichenberger's greatest achievements in archaeology were in the field of artifact casting, producing an estimated 700 copies of many of the world's renowned archaeological finds. His process in duplicating colors was unmatched in the field. Eichenberger performed his casting duties while a research associate for the American Archaeology Division at the University of Missouri, during which time he copied most of the known Paleoindian material from the western United States, examples of most Archaic-period types from the Midwest, numerous catlinite pipes and tablets, several pieces of engraved shell, and a number of specimens from Europe, Africa, and South America. In 1983 the Smithsonian Institution recognized Eichenberger for his achievements, presenting him with a certificate of recognition and receiving in return master copies of 650 of his pieces. Molds and copies of each artifact are housed at the Museum of Anthropology.
Scope and Content
The Eichenberger Cast Collection Records contain forms, reports, and correspondence detailing Eichenberger's casting work while working for the University of Missouri. Included is information about the process used to create each piece, formulas and materials, and details about the original artifacts.
Container List
Box 1 Casting Reports, Collection & Recording Forms, Correspondence, Indexes, Misc.
FF1 Pre-1966 Casting Records
FF2 Casting Reports, 1966-72
FF3 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence, 1966
FF4 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence, 1967
FF5 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence, 1968
FF6 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence, 1969
FF7 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence, 1970
FF8 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence, 1971
FF9 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence, 1972
FF10 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence, 1973
FF11 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence, 1974
FF12 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence,1975
FF13 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence, 1976
FF14 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence, 1977-78
FF15 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence, 1979-80
FF16 Cast Collection Forms & Correspondence, 1981
FF17 Cast Collection Forms - Study Kits
FF18 Commercial Casts
FF19 Misc. Correspondence, 1965-80
FF20 Indexes
FF21 Maps, photos & miscellaneous
FF22 Recording Forms, 1966
FF23 Recording Forms, 1967
FF24 Recording Forms, 1968
FF25 Recording Forms, 1969
FF26 Recording Forms, 1970
FF27 Recording Forms, 1971
FF28 Recording Forms, 1972
FF29 Recording Forms, 1973-74
Summary Information
Records Title: Hispanic Colonial Documents (Reproductions)
Dates: 18th - 20th centuries
Volume: 4 Boxes (1 and 1/3 cubic ft; 1.67 linear ft)
Location: Museum of Anthropology Archives
Scope and Content
These documents are primarily reproductions of, or notes about, Hispanic colonial census and linguistic records from archives in Central America and Spain. They were made by Museum of Anthropology staff members in the 1970s and 1980s who had research interests in those areas.
Container List
Box 1 Hispanic Census Records and Historical Records (copies)
FF1 Chiqila, Guatemala El Progreso (listings by year)
FF2 1816 Census Santo Domingo Coban
FF3 1821 Census Santa Catalina Chiamiguin
FF4 San Cristobal Cahcoh
FF5 1720-1740 Manuscripts on the Tojolabal, Tzeltel, and Soconusco, Chiapas.
FF6 1749 Tacuilah
Box 2 Hispanic Census Records and Linguistics (copies)
FF1 Field Notes, 1964 Diegueno Linguistics
FF2 Guatemalan Mineral Survey
FF3 1821 Census San Luis Xilotepeque, Xalapa Dept., Guatemala
FF4 1821 Census Xalapa, Xalapa Dept., Guatemala
FF5 1789 Records of Indian tribute to Spain
FF6 1813 Census
FF7 1821 Census Guazacapan
FF8 1821 Census Comapa
FF9 Document
FF10 Guatemalan Atlas 1832 (Ethnohistory)
FF11 1938 Maya Grammar Book: Yucatec Linguistics
Five microfilm reels regarding Otomi vocabulary and census data
Box 3 Hispanic Census Records (copies), Linguistics, and Related Academic Papers
FF1 1821 Census Padron San Agustin Lanquin Verapaz
FF2 1821 Census Padron San Geronimo Verapaz
FF3 1821 Census Padron Santa Maria Cajabon Verapaz
FF4A Linguistics: Mayan (Kekchi) ca. 1725
FF4B Linguistics: Mayan (Kekchi) ca. 1725 copies
FF5 Linguistics: Cakchiguel, Tzutuhil, Quiche
FF6 "A Tumpline Economy" by L.H. Feldman; Early Central-East Guatemala
FF7 1957 Dissertation; Ethnohistory: Tula; "Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl of Tollan"
Box 4 Maya Ethnohistory and Dieguano Linguistics
FF1 Notes on the Archival General Centro America (Maya Ethnohistory)
FF2 Diegueno Linguistics, Diegueno-English Vocabulary
Summary Information
Records Title: Mitchell Collection Records
Dates: ca. 1903-1980
Volume: 1 box (1/3 cubic ft; 0.42 linear ft)
Location: Museum of Anthropology Archives
Historical/Biographical Information
Frances Pearle Mitchell (1863-1940) was a prominent local woman and 1879-80 graduate of Stephens College. In the early 1900s, she traveled the world and wrote travelogs about her experiences that appeared in the Columbia Daily Tribune. In the 1930s she donated to the Museum of Anthropology an assemblage of anthropological "curios" collected during her travels. The collection includes a wide variety of items collected from Asia, Africa, Europe, and Mexico, as well as Native American materials.
Scope and Content
The Mitchell Collection Records include copies of Mitchell's travel logs that appeared in the Columbia Daily Tribune in 1903 and 1904; Mitchell's original logbook for the artifact collection donated to the Museum; biographical information; and notes regarding background research conducted by Museum staff on Mitchell, her travels, and collections.
Container List
Box 1
FF1 Travelogs, 1903-04
FF2 Biographical Information and Collection Information
FF3 Collection Research and Notes
Summary Information
Records Title: Museum Administrative Records
Dates: ca. 1962-1987
Volume: 1 box (1/3 cubic ft; 0.42 linear ft)
Location: Museum of Anthropology Archives
Scope and Content
The Museum Administrative Records include documents pertaining to museum history, correspondence, grant proposals, reports, and other administrative materials.
Container List
Box 1 Catalog & Accession Logs, ca. 1933-1964
FF1 Museum History
FF2 Correspondence, 1962-1970
FF3 Monthly Reports, 1969-1970
FF4 Annual Report, 1970-1971
FF5 NEH Museum Conservation Report, 1977
FF6 Grants and Ideas, ca. 1977
FF7 Matching Funds SHPO Grant for Turner Fire Materials, 1977
FF8 Renovation of Museum in Historic Swallow Hall, 1977
FF9 NSF Environmental Preservation Grant Proposal, 1978
FF10 Move - Turner and 703, 1979
FF11 CETA Project, 1979-1980
FF12 Activities, 1980-1984
FF13 Policy and Procedure Manuals, 1978-1982
FF14 Provost Grant, 1980
FF15 Museum Assessment Program, 1980s
FF16 Long and Short Range Goals, 1983-1984
FF17 AAM Accreditation Application, 1984
FF18 Correspondence, 1985-1987
Summary Information
Records Title: Museum Collections Management Records
Dates: ca. 1933-1991
Volume: 4 boxes (1 and 1/3 cubic ft; 1.67 linear ft)
Location: Museum of Anthropology Archives
Scope and Content
The Museum Collections Management Records pertain to management of the Museum's collections, including old accession logs and catalog systems, loan records, inventories, and obsolete forms.
Container List
Box 1 Catalog & Accession Logs, ca. 1933-1964
Item 1 Old Anthropology Collection Card File, 1933-1940
Item 2 Accession Log, 1956-1958 (1 bound volume)
Item 3 Accession Logs, 1960-1964 (9 steno pads)
Item 4 Leonard F. Haslag Collection Inventory (1 bound volume)
Item 5 Joe LeFaivre Collection Inventory (5 steno pads)
Box 2 Accession and Manuscript Logs, 1977-1991
Item 1 Accession Logs, 1977-1988 (12 bound volumes)
Item 2 Manuscript Accession Log and Cards, 1977-1991 (1 bound volume and card set)
Box 3 Incoming & Outgoing Loans, 1966-1989
FF1 Outgoing Loans, 1969-1989
FF2 Heflin Exhibition Loan, 1986
FF3 Haslag Collection Loan
FF4 Incoming Loans, 1966-1989
FF5 Incoming Loans, Missouri Historical Society, 1979-1988
Box 4 Miscellaneous Collections Management Information, ca. 1969-1990
FF1 Background Information on Various Early Collections
FF2 Old Cataloging Systems & Collections Codes
FF3 Obsolete Forms
FF4 Missouri Historical Society Collections
FF5 Inventory of Ethnological Collections, 1969
Summary Information
Records Title: Museum Outreach Records
Dates: 1965-1999
Volume: 2 boxes (1 and 1/3 cubic ft; 1.67 linear ft)
Location: Museum of Anthropology Archives
strong>Scope and Content
The Museum Outreach Records include visitor logs, tour logs, and other documents relating to Museum outreach activities.
Container List
Box 1 Visitor Logs and Outreach Activities, 1965-1986
Item 1 Visitor Logs and Tour Logs, 1965-1986 (9 bound volumes,
2 loose leaf volumes, 1 card set)
Box 2 Tours and Outreach Activities, 1987-1999
FF1 School Outreach 1987-1988
FF2 School Outreach 1989
FF3 Tours and Outreach 1990-1991
FF4 Tours and Outreach 1992
FF5 Tours and Outreach 1993
FF6 Tours and Outreach 1994
FF7 Tours and Outreach 1995
FF8 Tours and Outreach 1996
FF9 Tours and Outreach 1997
FF10 Tours and Outreach 1998
FF11 Tours and Outreach 1999
FF12 Lee School Grant 1994
FF13 Lee School Grant 1995
FF14 Arts Ed Grant 1996
FF15 Powwow Grant 1994
Summary Information
Records Title: Museum Publications
Dates: 1969-1982
Volume: 7 Boxes (2 and 1/3 cubic ft; 2.92 linear ft)
Location: Museum of Anthropology Archives
Scope and Content
These documents consist of originals and copies of publications issued by the Museum of Anthropology. Included are Annual Reports (short articles related to Museum collections or activities), Museum Briefs (research papers of 50 pages or less), Monographs (research papers of more than 50 pages), and Miscellaneous Publications. Also included are publications catalogs, indexes, records, and correspondence.
Container List
Box 1 Annual Reports 1973-77
FF1-2 Annual Report, 1973-74
FF3-4 Annual Report, 1974-75
FF5 Annual Report, 1975-76
FF6 Annual Report, 1976-77
Box 2 Annual Reports 1977-81
FF1 Annual Report, 1977-78
FF2 Annual Report, 1978-79
FF3 Annual Report, 1979-80
FF4 Annual Report, 1980-81
Box 3 Museum Briefs No. 1-9, 12
FF1 Museum Brief No. 1 "A Middle Mississipian House" (Price)
FF2 Museum Brief No. 2 "Manikins for the Small Museum" (Cofer)
FF3 Museum Brief No. 3 "Development of an Archeological Museum Display" (Osborn)
FF4 Museum Brief No. 4 "Care of Osteological Collections" (Lewis and Redfield)
FF5 Museum Brief No. 5 "A Guide to the Reading and Study of Historic Site Archeology" (Hulan and Lawrence)
FF6 Museum Brief No. 5 "A Guide to the Reading and Study of Historic Site Archeology" (Hulan and Lawrence) copy 2
FF7 Museum Brief No. 6 "Graphic Teaching Aids in Basic Anthropometry" (Spier et. al.)
FF8 Museum Brief No. 6 "Graphic Teaching Aids in Basic Anthropometry" (Spier et. al.) copies 3 and 4, includes slides
FF9 Museum Brief No. 7 "Libraries for Small Museums" (Anderson and Collins)
FF10 Museum Brief No. 8 "Cataloging and Care of Collections for Small Museums" (Schneider)
FF11 Museum Brief No. 9 "A Quantative Method for Deriving Cultural Chronology" (Ford)
FF12 Museum Brief No. 12 "Megalithic Architecture in Southern India" (Rajan)
Box 4 Museum Briefs No. 13-26
FF1 Museum Brief No. 13 "Dalton Project Notes" (Redfield) 2 copies
FF2 Museum Brief No. 15 "Riverine Maya" (Feldman)
FF3 Museum Brief No. 16 "A Classification of the Order of Primates" (Gavan)
FF4 Museum Brief No. 17 "Jade Workers in the Motagua Valley" (Feldman et. al.)
FF5 Museum Brief No. 18 "Titelburg Excavations" Illustrations
FF6 Museum Brief No. 19 "Papers of the Xinca" (Campbell et. al.)
FF7 Museum Brief No. 20 "Dalton Occupations of the Ozark Border" Illustrations (Price and Krakker)
FF8 Museum Brief No. 20 "Dalton Occupations of the Ozark Border" (Price and Krakker)
FF9 Museum Brief No. 21 "Ethnicity in Southern Belize" (Howard)
FF10 Museum Brief No. 22 "The Crescent Hills Prehistoric Quarrying Area" (Ives) 2 copes
FF11 Museum Brief No. 23 "Love in the Armpit: Tzeltal Tales" (Stross) 2 copies
FF12 Museum Brief No. 24 "Demons and Monsters: Tzeltal Tales" (Stross)
FF13 Museum Brief No. 25 "The San Agustin Acasaguastlan Archeological Project: The 1979 Season" (Walters)
FF14 Museum Brief No. 26 "Taphonomy of Ramapithecus Wickeri at Fort Ternan, Kenya" (Shipman)
Box 5 Monographs
FF1 Monograph No. 1 "Studies of Ancient Tollan: A Report of the University of Missouri Tula Archaeological Project" (Diehl)
FF2 Monograph No. 2 "Studies in Mayan Linguistics No. 1: Fragment of an Early K'ekchi Vocabulary" (Freeze)
FF3 Monograph No. 3 "The Image of Disease: Medical Practices of Nahua Indians of the Huasteca" (Sandstrom)
FF4 Monograph No. 4 "The Lowland Huasteca Archaeological Survey and Excavation: 1957 Field Season" (Sanders)
FF5 Monograph No. 5 "Cihuatan: An Early Post Classic Town of El Salvador: The 1977-1978 Excavations" (Bruhns)
FF6 Monograph No. 5 "Cihuatan: An Early Post Classic Town of El Salvador: The 1977-1978 Excavations" (Bruhns)-copies
Box 6 Monographs
FF1 Monograph No. 6 "Panama in Transition: Local Reactions to Development Policies" (Bort and Helms)
FF2 Monograph No. 7 "The Mopan: Culture and Ethnicity in a Changing Belizean Community" (Gregory)
FF3 Monograph No. 7 "The Mopan: Culture and Ethnicity in a Changing Belizean Community" (Gregory)- final print
FF4 Monograph No. 8 "The Material and Social Determinants of Political Leadership in a Tojolabal Maya Community" (Thomas)
FF5 Monograph No. 9 "An Epigrapher's Annotated Index to Cholan and Yucatecan Verb Morphology" (MacLeod)
FF6 Monograph No. 9 "An Epigrapher's Annotated Index to Cholan and Yucatecan Verb Morphology" (MacLeod)-originals
Box 7 Miscellaneous Publications and Publications Records
FF1 Miscellaneous Publication No. 1 "Pottery Making in Sinaloa, Mexico (Weakley & Griffith)
FF2 Miscellaneous Publication No. 3 "Indians of the Midwest: A Coloring Book" (Anderson)
FF3 Miscellaneous Publication No. 5 "Laboratory Methods in Physical Anthropology" (Edwards)
FF4 Miscellaneous Publication No. 8 "Curation in the Small Museum, Human Bones" (Gehlert)
FF5 Catalogs and Announcements
FF6 Reprints
FF7 Guides and Indexes
FF8 Accounts and Correspondence
Summary Information
Records Title: Sutton Collection Records
Dates: ca. 1920-1992
Volume: 2 boxes (2/3 cubic ft; 0.84 linear ft)
Location: Museum of Anthropology Archives
Historical/Biographical Information
Richard L. Sutton, Sr. (1878-1952) was a Kansas City dermatologist who, as a special representative of the Department of Natural History at the University of Missouri-Columbia, made several hunting and photography expeditions in the 1920s to various countries in Africa and Asia. Sutton was particularly interested in the tribal peoples of the areas he visited and recorded their customs through photographs, short films, and several published books. He also published many articles in the U.S. and abroad and gave lectures in universities throughout the country. In recognition of his explorations, the British Royal Society made him a life fellow, and he was honored by the Societe de Geographie in France for his portrayal of Moi peoples in his book Tiger Trails in Southern Asia. In the 1920s, Sutton donated large assemblages of items collected during his travels to both the Museum of Anthropology and the Kansas City Museum; most of these materials have now been consolidated at the Museum of Anthropology.
Scope and Content
The Sutton Collection Records include biographical information and background research conducted by Museum staff regarding Sutton and his collections; correspondence between Museum staff and Sutton's son (Dr. Richard L. Sutton, Jr.); records regarding artifact donations to the Museum and the Kansas City Museum; and copies of some of Sutton's original lantern slides and 16mm films.
Container List
Box 1 Records and Slides
FF1 Original MU Collection Records, ca. 1920-1980
FF2 Correspondence regarding Kansas City Collection, 1980
FF3 Kansas City Collection Records
FF4 UMSL Exhibit
FF5 Miscellaneous
FF6 Lantern Slide Negatives
Bags 1 & 2 Glass Lantern Slides
Box 2 16mm Films
Reel 1 Africa
Reel 2 Alaska - Eskimos
Reel 3 Africa - Safari
Reel 4 Africa - Safari
Reel 5 Africa - Safari
Reel 6 Orient - India Safari
Reel 7 Africa - Safari
Reel 8 Canada - Alaska - Eskimos
Reel 9 Africa
Museum of Anthropology Library and Archives
The Museum of Anthropology holds a collection of over 2,000 anthropology books, series, and journals, available for read-only at Mizzou North.
Grayson Archery Library
Books dating from the 16th to 20th centuries and numerous periodicals comprise the Grayson reference library. This comprehensive library, numbering about 1,000 volumes, is useful for research on every aspect of archery. These volumes are available for read-only at Mizzou North.
Nancy Morejón Special Collection of Afro-Romance Literature and Culture
Database of works by Cuban author, Nancy Morejón (Havana 1944). Morejón's work addresses contemporary issues of ethnicity, gender, history, politics, and Afro-Cuban identity. Her poems stand as vibrant reflections on the transculturation of Spanish and African cultures in Cuba, on what it means to be a child of both traditions, and on how the threads of this heritage are part of the greater web of the African Diaspora in the Americas.