MoA at Ellis

Welcome to MoA Mizzou

Tuesday - Friday, 10am - 4pm | Saturday & Sunday 12pm - 4pm


Human History & Culture

Since 1885, the Museum's collections of anthropological, archaeological and ethnographic objects have prompted visitors and scholars at the University of Missouri to broaden their understanding of human behavior, past and present.

Visit an Exhibit
Viewing early humans exhibit


Our Collections

The Museum of Anthropology maintains a number of databases containing information on the Museum's collections. These databases are available online for educational and research purposes. Information in the Museum of Anthropology collection databases may be used by individuals or groups for education and research, but may not be repackaged, resold, or redistributed in any form without the written consent of the University of Missouri Museum of Anthropology.

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A photo of pottery

Events at MoA Mizzou

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Museum of Anthropology, located in Ellis Library, hosts free public events year-round, including lectures, children's workshops, and collaborations.

MOA Events
A photo of paintings